Thin Film Technical Info
Nanofilm Standard Coatings:
The first layer of the standard product will be the top layer
LRC = (LR) Low Reflective, (C) Chromium
Top surface, not to exceed 13% reflectivity @ 436 nanometers. Density = 2.8 +/- .2
Please read graph below for LRC spectrum analysis provided by "FILMETRICS"
MRC = (MR) Medium Reflective. (C) Chromium
Top surface 33%, +/- 3% reflectivity @ 436 nanometers. Density = 2.8 +/-.2
Please read graph below for MRC spectrum analysis provided by "FILMETRICS"
HRC = (HR) High Reflective. (C) Chromium
Top surface not to exceed 65% reflectivity @ 436 nanometers
Please read graph below for HRC spectrum analysis provided by "FILMETRICS"
BRC = (BR) Blue Reflective. (C) Chromium
Density = 3.0 +/-.2
Please read graph below for BRC spectrum analysis provided by "FILMETRICS"
Nanofilm Non-Standard Coatings:
The non-standard product is described starting from the bottom layer. (From the coater sequence perspective.)
BL/CR/BL = (BL) Blue Reflective. (C) Chromium. (BL) Blue Reflective
Density = 5.0
Please read graph below for BCB spectrum anylisis provided by "FILMETRICS"
BL/CR/BL*= (BL) Blue Reflective. (C) Chromium. (BL) Blue Ref
GO/CR/GO = (GO) Gold Reflective. (C) Chromium. (GO) Gold Reflective
Top surface 11% reflectivity @ 436 nanometers. Density = 5.0. (No spectrum readings available)
GO/CR/BL = (GO) Gold Reflective. (C) Chromium. (BL) Blue Reflective.
Density = 5.0 (No spectrum readings available)
BL/CR/GO = (BL) Blue Reflective. (C) Chromium. (GO) Gold Reflective
Density = 5.0 (No spectrum readings available)